Info: Veschir
Name: Veschir Tromen Venica
Gender: ♂
Height: 6'1"
Birthday: May 10th
Personality: problem solver, immature, rash, moody, stubborn.
Veschir is the first child of Tsira and Cerulean. Veschir is plant biology with mammalian innards. To be more specific, he is immune to common human disease and viruses. He is susceptible to some plant afflictions, particularly blight. He can bleed. He has a highly efficient metabolism and he produces no waste. His lineage allows him to talk/listen to plants but not all of them are clearly heard.
He has to wear a power restriction collar due to certain circumstances.
(He has a family secret that will make his life a bit more interesting.)
✦ Can talk to and hear plants.
✦ Can produce vines out of nothing. He has full control of them. He can summon more the older he gets.
✦ Agile and quick on his feet.
✦ Can sustain on little amounts of food if necessary and produces no waste.
✦ Excellent low light vision.
✦ Excellent hearing range.
♡ Sweet food/desserts/drinks. (particularly fruit/flower nectars)
♡ Outdoor treks or traveling.
♡ Cooking different or new recipes.
♡ Painting. (He wont admit that to you.)
♡ Receiving gifts and treats.
x Anything chilled or frozen.
x Unstable/unpredictable ground and terrain. (Snow, sand, rocky mountain sides etc.)
x Being lied to.
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